Vote Now: Round 1 of 2016 Bartending Competition Starts Today

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Calling all cocktail enthusiasts!  Round 1 of the 2016 Devour Phoenix Bartending Competition is officially underway! Bartender submissions are in and the next two weeks will be mix-up of community rallying and a dash of restaurant pride, setting the tone for the fun we will have on February 28th at Desoto Central Market.

Bartender Collage 1
Bartender Collage 1

Your ongoing votes and continued shares in this round will determine nine finalists that move on to compete in Round 2 on February 28th from 2-6pm, ultimately crowning Arizona's Star Bartender!

Join us this year as we take pride in Arizona's spirit, a theme competition attendees will see evidenced throughout the entire event. From native and heritage (and, of course, locally-sourced) cocktail ingredients such as AZ Distilling Company products to strategically-aligned partnerships and awards like a top prize feature in Arizona's own Bite Magazine, this always-fun event will further the message of Arizona's amazing community.

And speaking of fun, Ross Simon, Principle Barman and Proprietor of Bitter and Twisted Cocktail Parlorand two parts Scottish gent, will be calling the event in "Queen's English" as this year's emcee. DJ Mr PHX, modern music man and local photographer as well as house DJ at Desoto, will be mixing it up from a birds-eye view of the competition. Judges include reigning champion Brandon Casey of The Ostrich, representatives of the United States Bartender's Guildand Arizona Cocktail Week, Bite Magazine, and the recently-awarded Best Local Food Blog

Bartender Collage 2
Bartender Collage 2


  1. Visit
  2. Simply visit the site, choose your bartender of choice, hit Vote, share widely through your networks using #DevourAZSpirit, and come back the next day!
  3. Purchase tickets: Don't forget; registered Local First AZ Localists get a discount!

We're looking forward to seeing you (and your favorite valley bartenders) at the 2016 Devour Phoenix Bartending Competition!

BlogKimber Lanning